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The Colvin Family Announces The Establishment Of The Claudette Colvin Foundation As She Celebrates Her 84th Birthday
Montgomery, AL- Roseboro Holdings client, the Colvin family, announces the establishment of the Claudette Colvin Foundation to recognize disadvantaged youth who show extraordinary talent in making changes and improving the quality of life in their communities.
At age 15, Claudette Colvin was arrested on March 2, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama for violating bus segregation ordinances -- nine months before Rosa Parks. Ms. Colvin was made a ward of the State and placed on indefinite probation.
Ms. Colvin is one of the two survivors of the Browder v. Gayle United States Supreme Court Case and is known for her significant role in desegregating buses in Montgomery Alabama in 1956. She is one of the four black female plaintiffs, including Aurelia Browder, Susie McDonald, and Mary Louise Smith, who filed a lawsuit against segregated bus seating in Montgomery, Alabama. Their attorney was Fred D. Gray. The case was successful, thus impacting public transportation throughout the United States including trains, airplanes, and taxis.
The foundation, led by Claudette Colvin’s youngest son, Randy Colvin, Ph.D. as chairman of the board and her granddaughter, Jennifer Colvin-Hadraoui as the CEO will:
- Use its combined experiences and expertise to establish relationships with corporations, organizations, and individuals to provide resources that will impact youth circumstances.
- Provide spaces where our targeted youth feel safe to express their thoughts on social issues they care about.
- Leverage the Claudette Colvin brand of contributing to human rights nationally and internationally by recognizing youth who are motivated to provide peaceful solutions to problems they encounter in their cities, states, and countries.
“67 years ago, when history glued me to the seat of that bus in Montgomery, I could never have imagined that standing up for my rights could spark a movement that would change the course of history. I am creating the Claudette Colvin Foundation to give other young people a chance to raise their voices and stand up for the injustices that we still face today. I hope my story will inspire youth to continue to fight for civil rights and human dignity.”
For more information about the Claudette Colvin Foundation visit the Official website at